Criminal charges do not disappear on their own. Defendants who skip their court dates, known as failure to appear (FTA), could face additional charges on top of their current offense.
One risk of FTA is having bail revoked. Whether the court let you out on recognizance or monetary bail, one condition was that you appear at all hearings and other ordered appearances. FTA can result in the court revoking your bond or a bond forfeiture. If a loved one was involved in your bond process, they could face consequences.
Fortunately, a Doraville failure to appear as a lawyer can help. They could negotiate you turning yourself in and hopefully getting rebonded. A diligent criminal defense attorney could also defend you against any charges for FTA.
All Court Dates Are Mandatory
Sometimes, people assume that court dates for minor violations with small penalties, like traffic tickets, are optional. However, tickets include a summons to appear in court. Choosing not to appear without notifying the court can result in FTA charges, which can carry consequences much greater than the punishment for the original ticket.
When a defendant is unable to make a court date, they must inform the court as soon as possible. Generally, a court will permit someone to reschedule a court date at least once. The longer the notice period, the more likely a person will be able to reschedule. However, emergencies happen. Notifying the court as soon as possible before the event may be able to help a defendant avoid FTA charges. A Doraville failure to appear lawyer can help a defendant notify the court or handle court notifications after missing an appointment.
FTA License Suspensions
Defendants who fail to appear in traffic court face a unique set of consequences. Their license will be suspended 28 days after the FTA. The defendant has the opportunity to handle the citation during those 28 days, but failing to do so triggers the suspension.
While a defendant has the opportunity to take care of the citation after an FTA, there are consequences. Before the citation date, the defendant has the option to pay the ticket. Not paying the fine before the court date and then missing that court date means a defendant loses their chance to pay the fine.
Potential Consequences of Failure to Appear
The consequences of FTA can vary and be linked to the judge’s mood. Multiple FTAs, prior disrespect to the court, or an extensive criminal history can make the judge view a defendant harsher.
Potential consequences include a warrant for the defendant’s arrest, license suspension, bond forfeiture, contempt of court fines, and more. If a defendant is out on bond, they may have their bond revoked and be incarcerated while awaiting trial. A failure to appear lawyer in Doraville could argue for reduced penalties.
Talk to a Doraville Failure to Appear Lawyer
Dealing with an unresolved FTA can range from moderately inconvenient to extremely detrimental, depending on the underlying offense. If the underlying offense is serious, FTA can threaten your liberty. Being out of jail allows you to participate more meaningfully in your defense, which can greatly influence the outcome of your case. Even if the original offense is minor, like a traffic ticket, you could lose your license and be subject to arrest. Resolving the problem will end up costing much more than the original ticket.
If you have already failed to appear in court, you have already made a significant error. Do not make it worse by trying to handle it yourself. Instead, contact a Doraville failure to appear lawyer to learn about your rights and remedies.